Evesham Swimming Club caters for Swim Fit and Competitive swimmers. Below is a quick overview of all things you will find useful as a swimmer at ESC or parent/carer supporting your child through the club.
Swim England Insurance and Membership Registration
On becoming a swim club member you will be required to obtain Swim England Membership. Details of the cost will be provided upon joining and annual membership is required in January of each year. Below are the three classifications for swimmers:
CLUB COMPETE - Club Compete is the biggest category as it is for people who want to compete and be part of a structured competitive pathway. It is for club members who want to compete in competitions not exempted under Swim England law, or designated as Low Level Competition (eg. Level 1, 2 and 3 meets).
CLUB TRAIN - This is for individuals who are part of the club and wish to train, compete at internal club champs or at Level 4 competitions that are exempt from Swim England Law (low level competition).
Guide to the four levels of licensed meets
All licensed meets are subject to Swim England Regulations and the Swim England Technical Rules of Racing. They are graded into four levels.
Level 1 Meets are long course (50m) only and cover National, Regional and County Championships. Their purpose is to enable athletes to achieve qualifying times for entry into National, Regional and County Championships.
Level 2 Meets are short course (25m) only and cover National, Regional and County Championships. Their purpose is to enable athletes to achieve qualifying times for entry into National, Regional and County Championships in short course.
Level 3 Meets are long and short course events. Their purpose is to enable athletes to achieve times for entry into Regional and County Championships and other Meets at Level 1 or Level 2.
Level 4 Meets are entry level events in pools 25m or greater. They are primarily for inexperienced athletes and swimmers seeking to compete outside their club environment. Therefore, Club Train swimmers can enter these events too . If times are good athletes progress to Level 3 Meets (requiring Club Compete membership). Our Club Championships are Level 4 so that everyone in the club can compete.
For information regarding the events that we enter please visit the below pages: